The honey-toned varnish and elegantly rounded corners are "heavy sigh-invoking". But what isn't/wasn't from the beautiful AUGUSTUS?

The honey-toned varnish and elegantly rounded corners are "heavy sigh-invoking". But what isn't/wasn't from the beautiful AUGUSTUS?

The honey-toned varnish and elegantly rounded corners are "heavy sigh-invoking". But what isn't/wasn't from the beautiful AUGUSTUS?
23 Inches Wide by 61.5 Inches Tall by 2.25 Inches Deep
Price: $275 each.
Limited Quantity.
I was so disappointed when my attempts to save similar mirrors from the former first class cabins on the ANASTASIS (ex Lloyd Triestino VICTORIA) failed. Fortunately, I succeeded in getting a handful of these gorgeous maple-framed mirrors from the AUGUSTUS First Class Cabins before most were intentionally shattered during the ship's demolition. These were mounted on gorgeous mahogany veneered suite paneling that will also be available here soon.