To order an item:
You may e-mail or telephone us with the description of the item and your shipping address. We will then confirm the availability of the item and will follow with the total cost (including applicable taxes, packing materials, shipping and handling charges) and approximate date of delivery. Prices of listed items don't include taxes, packing materials, shipping, handling or insurance charges. Orders must be paid in full before being shipped (unless otherwise agreed).
Payments methods accepted:
Cash (secured at your own risk)
Money Orders
Personal checks (must clear before items can be shipped)
Bank transfers
Paypal.com (please add 5% to the total cost).​
Shipping and Handling:
We carefully pack all items to ensure safe delivery of all goods but are not responsible for damages incurred during shipping. Insurance (at buyer's expense) is always recommended. We ship smaller items through the US Postal Service (USPS) and UPS. Larger items require a freight carrier (insured when possible). If shipping by UPS or freight, we will provide an estimate; buyers must make payment arrangements directly with shipping company. If shipping by USPS, all shipping costs will be included in your order total. Orders will ship upon receipt of payment. Where additional packing materials are required for MidShipCentury.com to prepare an item for shipping, these will also be added to your order total.
Return Policy:
If not pleased with your purchase, inform us in writing (e-mail is acceptable) within seven (7) days of receiving the article for a Return Merchandise Authorization, return it to us in the same condition in which it was sent and your full purchase price (excluding shipping and return shipping costs) will be refunded.
MidShipCentury.com respects your confidentiality and will never give away or sell your personal information to a third party.